Finish Grade Excavation

Septic Servicing near me by Finish Grade Excavation in Halifax

Your septic system may back up into your home if a problem is not quickly addressed, seriously harming your property and the environment.

Issues with Septic Tanks

Wastewater enters the septic tank through a pipe connected to your home. There, the scum floats to the top while the solid sludge sinks to the bottom. Sludge continues to descend to the bottom of the chamber while liquid travels though it into another chamber. The liquid eventually drains into the septic field. The sludge decomposes anaerobically during this procedure.

A septic tank keeps a property running smoothly when it functions, as it should. Septic tank pumping is typically required every 3-5 years.

Typical septic system problems include:

  1. Full tank: A septic tank that is overflowing may indicate a problem with the septic field’s capacity to handle the effluent.
  2. Wet Lawn: Effluent breaking out at the surface of your lawn is an indication that the septic field is compromised.
  3. Roots: Tree roots can enter your septic pipes if they are planted or grow too close to your septic system which can lead to back ups over time.
  4. Sagged Pipes: Pipes that are improbably graded or sagged can cause blockages thus leading to a back up in your home.

Detecting Repair Needs in Your Septic System

A septic system will eventually require repairs; therefore it’s crucial to plan ahead so that they can be made as soon as the problem arises. It is hoped that being proactive would help your septic system last longer.

Slow Draining

If the drains start to slow down or clog, there may be a problem with the septic system. A septic system relies on clean plumbing and pipes to operate correctly, so ignoring a sluggish drain might set off a series of events that necessitate a significant repair.

Backed-up sewage

Pipes transport waste and effluent water away from the home, if you have a backup in your home you need to call for emergency service. Regular tank pump-outs often assist to prevent this condition, but an unexpected back

up indicates a problem.

Get in Touch with the Best Septic System Service Team

Are you looking for a septic service team that comes highly recommended? Finish Grade Excavation Halifax is committed to giving customers excellent septic system service. We have extensive knowledge in septic system diagnosis, repair, and replacement.

Call us to get your system back up and running if your septic system is malfunctioning!